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Using IdentityServer to issue tokens for Windows Server ServiceBus


Windows Server ServiceBus supports SWT tokens to authorize actions on a SB namespace or entity (e.g. listen, send or manage).

In the Azure version of ServiceBus you would use the Azure Access Control Service to issue such tokens. In the on-premise version of ServiceBus you could do the same, but often you want to use an on-premise token issuer here as well.

This is where IdentityServer can help out! In this post, I mentioned, that I added Simple Web Token (SWT) support back to IdentityModel – which means that IdentityServer can issue SWT tokens as well.

Clemens and I exchanged some code snippets and ideas to bring the moving parts together – and the following is a walkthrough of how you could use IdentityServer to issue tokens for Windows Server ServiceBus to authorize access.

Step 0 – Enable SWT support and the SimpleHttp endpoint
Both SWT support and the SimpleHttp token endpoint are not enabled by default.

Use the admin area to enable the protocol:


…and uncomment the SWT handler in WebSite\Configuration\identity.config:

<!-- SWT -->
<add type="Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Tokens.SimpleWebTokenHandler, … " />


Step 1 – Create a relying party in IdentityServer
Start with creating a relying party that represents the SB namespace:


Possible realm names for SB are (check the docs for more info):

  • http://{server-host-name} /{namespace}/ – complete namespace
  • http://{server-host-name}/{namespace} /myqueue – for a specific queue
  • http://{server-host-name}/{namespace} /mytopic – for a specific topic
  • http://{server-host-name} /{namespace} /mytopic/subscriptions/mysub – for a specific subscription

The namespace would be swttest in our case. Also generate a symmetric signing key.

Step 2 – Configure ServiceBus
You use the SB Powershell cmdlets to configure the SB namespace. For that you need the symmetric signing key you just created and the issuer Issuer URI (that’s the Site ID on IdSrv’s general config page).

set-sbnamespace -IssuerUri http://idsrvsiteid -IssuerName http://idsrvsiteid -PrimarySymmetricKey fWUU…N4 -Name swttest

See the docs for more information.

Step 3 – Provide SB specific claims
To provide the SB specific claims (send, listen and manage) you need to provide a claims repository. I wrote about the general process of customizing IdentityServer here. You basically need to implement IClaimsRepository (or derive from the existing standard one) to get involved in providing the claims for the outgoing token.

The following sample repository illustrates the idea:

public class MyClaimsRepository : ProviderClaimsRepository
    string sbClaimType = "net.windows.servicebus.action";
    public override IEnumerable<Claim> GetClaims(
ClaimsPrincipal principal, RequestDetails
        if (requestDetails.Realm.Uri.AbsoluteUri == "http://sbserver/swttest/")
            if (principal.Identity.Name == "bob")
                return new List<Claim>
                    new Claim(sbClaimType, "Listen"),
                    new Claim(sbClaimType, "Manage"),
                return new List<Claim>
                    new Claim(sbClaimType, "Send"),
        return base.GetClaims(principal, requestDetails);


Step 7 – Request the token
To request a token you can use the SimpleHttp endpoint. This endpoint uses a simple GET request with two querystring parameters for realm and token type. The user needs to authenticate via Basic Authentication. In return you get a token response that contains the token and lifetime information.

var client = new HttpClient {

    BaseAddress = new Uri(Constants.IdSrv.SimpleHttpEndpoint)



client.SetBasicAuthentication(“bob”, “abc!123”);


var response = client.GetAsync(



var tokenResponse = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

var token = JObject.Parse(tokenResponse)[“access_token”].ToString();


(I am using Json.Net to parse the token response)

Step 8 – Use the token
OK – the last step is to use the token with ServiceBus – that is as simple as:

StaticSimpleWebTokenProvider tp = new StaticSimpleWebTokenProvider(token);
MessagingFactory factory =
    MessagingFactory.Create("sb://sbserver/swttest/", tp);
var qc = factory.CreateQueueClient("swttest");
qc.Send(new BrokeredMessage());


(The full source code can be found here.)


Filed under: Azure, IdentityModel, IdentityServer

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